Mitch's Certified Classes

Printed on: 2/15/2025


Mitch's Certified Classes


Attendance You must complete 40 Contact Hours to participate in the CA-NV AWWA Certification Exam.

In order to receive the specified amount of Contact Hours students must attend 100% of allotted class time. Each course will have the option of ONE make-up day, which must be scheduled with the Program Administrator.

ü  Completion of Student Application Form before entering first course session.

ü  Each student must sign in and sign out on the Attendance Form provided each time class meets. If a student attends a class meeting but does not sign in or out they will be considered absent.

ü  Proper identification is required.

ü  Homework assignments are a required part of the learning experience. Class participation is necessary.

ü  Each student will be asked to complete a Course Evaluation Form

      To be completed at the end of the course.


 Each student must successfully demonstrate their understanding of the material and information   covered in this course through a final exam, with at least a 70% Grade. A Certificate of Completion will be given on the last day of class.

Enrollment Confirmation

You are considered officially enrolled after all course fees have been paid in full and your registration has been confirmed. Enrollment verification forms reflecting fees paid are available from our Program Coordinator at (916) 441-4451 Secured Fax (916) 441-1261 or E-Mail: please allow 14 business days for enrollment confirmation to be processed.

Consent to Release Information

Mitch’s Certified Classes (M.C.C’s) has a stringent confidentiality policy. Information is not shared without a current Consent to Release Information Form is completed and original signature is available. Each student will be asked to complete this form on the first day of class.

Fee Changes & Reimbursement

Course and other fees are subject to change without notice.

Course fees may be eligible for reimbursement by your company. Check with your training director or human resources manager. Retain your verification receipt to submit to your company.

Disabilities, Students with

We provide academic support services to students with qualifying and documented disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you have special needs, please let us know at least 15 business days before your course study begins and contact our Program Coordinator at (916) 441-4451 Secured Fax (916) 441-1261 or E-Mail:

Refunds/Dropping a Class

You may officially drop a course at any time before the beginning of the final class meeting. Your request must be submitted in writing, contact our Program Coordinator at (916) 441-4451 Secure Fax (916) 441-1261 or E-Mail: Refundsexclude any late fee charges and course materials costs. Late fees are not refundable.  Please note: you should allow three to four weeks to receive a refund if approved.

Sexual Harassment

Any individual who believes that she or he has been sexually harassed may contact our Program Coordinator who will provide assistance in investigating and resolving complaints. Program Coordinator (916) 441-4451 Secured Fax (916) 441-1261 or E-Mail:

Proprietary Interests Disclosure and Representation

Mitch’s Certified Classes, including all members of our organization, do not promote the exclusive use of any commercial product in published Instructional materials or during instruction. Provider discussion of their proprietary interests during instruction is limited to relevant contexts and includes consideration of alternative product or companies that are comparable to the providers.

Affirmative Action Non-Discrimination

Prohibits discrimination or harassment of any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy (including childbirth, and Medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services. Policy also prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person in any of its programs or activities for making a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment or for using or participating in the investigation or resolution process of any such complaint. Policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions of applicable State and Federal Laws.

Intellectual Property Rights

Mitch’s Certified Classes owns unlimited exclusive rights to all work that may be the subject matter of copyright protection, or may be the subject matter of patent protection. Any parties in possession of M.C.C’s course materials, such as previous course participants, also agree to abide by this policy.

Returned Checks

There is a $25 service charge for checks returned for insufficient funds, stop payments, and closed accounts. If your check is returned by the bank and you have stopped attending the course, you are still responsible for full payment unless you officially withdraw prior to the refund deadline.